Renewable Gases Day: Thursday, 28 March

Pre-conference Masterclasses  Conference Day One

Conference Day Two  Register

You can attend ADGO main conference in-person or virtually, though the pre-conference learning sessions and renewable gases day are in-person only.

Opening remarks from the Chair

Mendo Kundevski
Director, Energy Transition
S&P Global Commodity Insights

Realising the hope and promise of hydrogen and biomethane as low carbon solutions (LCS)
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS: Accelerating renewable gas development – hydrogen progress in Europe
  • Progress towards meeting European clean hydrogen targets
  • Priority end use sectors for initial hydrogen deployment
  • Evolving European thinking on blue and green hydrogen

Bill Farren-Price
Head of Gas Research
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Macroeconomic modelling of a renewable gas target
APGA (with support from ENA) have commissioned an economic study of the interaction of renewable gases with the energy system in Australia. This session will explore highlights of the report (due end of 2023).
  • Comparing the cost of various pathways to net zero gas emissions by 2050
  • Grasping how renewable gas costs can interact with natural gas and electrification costs
  • Demonstrating where household electrification and renewable gas advocates are missing each other

Jordan McCollum
National Policy Manager
Australian Pipelines and Gas Association

PANEL DISCUSSION: How can renewable gas projects start producing in the next couple of years (not next couple of decades)?
  • How important is standardisation in terms of things like Guarantee of Origin or compatibility of infrastructure connections?
  • Is it more efficient to build projects that integrate natural gas, or should renewable ‘go it alone’ as their own separate sector?
  • How will greenhouse gas reporting influence projects?
  • What policy or regulation will incentive the development of renewable gas?


Jordan McCollum
National Policy Manager
Australian Pipelines and Gas Association


Shahana McKenzie
Chief Executive Officer
Bioenergy Australia

Brent Davis
Senior Business Development Manager Renewable Gas

George Sfinas
Engagement Manager Electricity and Gas
Standards Australia

Analysing how renewable gas projects can become profitable
Morning tea

Examining the macroeconomics of biomethane versus hydrogen
  • Assessing the long term versus short term capacity for growth in biogas, renewable gas and hydrogen
  • Defining which gases are most suited to which uses and the obstacles for each to reach their full potential
  • Making the most of opportunities for all forms of gas to work in concert

Jim Snow
Adjunct Professor | Executive Director
University of Queensland Energy Initiative | Oakley Greenwood

Dissecting the logistics of large-scale hydrogen production for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (e-SAF)
  • Defining the commercial demand and the logistics of production
  • Developing a national strategy to accelerate the implementation of hydrogen-powered solutions
  • Shaping and incentivising industry wide transition at scale

Amy Philbrook
Non Executive Director | Hydrogen Technical Lead for Australasia
Our Atmosphere | Arup

PANEL DISCUSSION: What is the role for renewable gases in the future energy system?
  • How can the domestic gas network transition to run on renewable gas by 2050?
  • How does biogas stack up against wide-scale electrification?
  • How does the green gas sector scale up to a point where it is a viable alternative to natural gas for peaking plants?


Tina Soliman Hunter
Professor, Macquarie Law School
Centre for Energy and Natural Resources Innovation and Transformation (CENRIT)


Scott Grierson
Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director

Tim Stock
Director, Hydrogen and Clean Energy
NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change

Andrea Gaffney
Head of Corporate Affairs
Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)


Renewable gas projects moving the sector forward
Supporting the growth of renewable gases through internationally recognised standards and codes
  • Building a credible alternative to natural gas whilst allowing the continued use of existing gas assets through pipeline/connection standards
  • Adjusting ISO’s to meet local conditions and regulations
  • Guarantee of Origin and certification schemes for renewable gases (not just hydrogen)
  • Meeting international standards to increase the confidence of SE Asian buyers of renewable gases

Scott Brownlaw
Strategic Initiatives Manager
Standards Australia

Building a future flush with renewable gas
  • Scaling up production to have a meaningful impact on carbon profiles for household and industrial users
  • Spurring the development of a renewable gas sector through a Renewable Gas Target of 10%
  • Evaluating biomethane and hydrogen – is there room for both?

Brent Davis
Senior Business Development Manager Renewable Gas

Driving the transition of the gas sector towards a zero carbon future

Vikram Singh
Head of Hydrogen Development
Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

Closing remarks from the Chair
Afternoon tea and end of Renewable Gases Day